Assorted Works by Sharon Wherland

Sharon Wherland works primarily in collage and oil painting. The works in this exhibit show examples from different bodies of work that, while varied in theme and approach, all explore the way the painted mark can combine with collaged or found images. She is interested in the interplay and visual conversations that occur between the rhythmic musical effects of color, gesture of painting marks and the nostalgic effect of collaged vintage family photographs and found images. 

Sharon Wherland is a violinist, artist and educator. She holds a BM in Violin Performance with a Minor in Studio Art from Western Washington University and a MA in Arts Education from Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. She has had solo art exhibitions in Moscow,ID; Bellingham, WA; Quetzaltenango, Salama and Guatemala City, Guatemala, where she also performed violin recitals regularly.

Instagram: @sharonwherland

>Next artist: Daria Zoria