six collages by Roberta Wahl

Deadlines seem to follow me these days. These six collages were made over two days in February with an intensity of focus that benefited the outcome. I have been bumping scale these last few months and find that I’m able to get more depth and detail when working larger…not sure why, but it could be that my fumbling fingers can more exactly place the pieces. I tend to combine abstract with figural in a way that is similar to a building or taking the first bite. When the building is complete and done, it’s what I made, but not whole until the inhabitants add their stories…many out of character to what I’d find harmonious but as it should be; it’s no longer mine.

Roberta Wahl is a graduate from Rhode Island School of Design with a Bachelor of Architecture and a Bachelor of Fine Arts. She has decades of professional experience in the United States and Vienna Austria. She has been involved in a wide variety of institutional & commercial projects. Ms. Wahl founded Plum Architects in 2004. Plum Architects is a small powerhouse firm of three that designs projects of all types with emphasis on educational, residential projects, library, and food service projects (@thismelis and @i_am_tammy_ho). She earned an Associate Degree in Culinary Arts from Johnson & Wales and loves to cook.

“I love when a person takes the first bite of something I’ve cooked and destroys it in their joy of eating it. A school site model made of food shared at a community meeting makes me very happy when it’s disassembled by hungry hands. The built environment is not as temporal but the premise is the same; use the five senses to create and experience the space of a site. The universe is too immense to comprehend or try to tame with numbers, so I just look at it abstractly. Collage is like looking at the sky: focused without a goal other than embracing chance to perhaps see a meteor, lenticular cloud, chestnut-backed chickadee, or lightening bug. These seemingly unrelated elements, disparate building components, and the snippets of collage gain specificity as they are studied, defined, and assembled into cohesive, imperfect, and changing environments.”


Instagram: @plum_architects

For pricing information on Roberta’s work, please contact us.

>Next artist: Justin Tuttle