The Stains of Life by Julian Foster

The collages represented in this series are in reference to the world at the moment. With so many rules and regulations imposed, all aspects of life have been subdued or stopped. The virus is causing people to lose their freedom, their work, and even their families. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but some of the things going on are hard to understand and I believe there won’t be much left of a normal existence for people who are less fortunate than others. The stains are in everyday life.

Julian Foster is an artist working in France. He studied Fine Art Sculpture at university and did not pursue a career in art until many years later. He has dabbled with collage for years and feels he is only just beginning to understand the craft. It's the immediacy of collage that draws him to it—placing different pieces of paper of colour or texture together can be all it takes to produce interesting and bold composition. And with the amount of unwanted ephemera out there, it seems like there’s an endless supply of quality material—such as the torn, stained, and faded images of vintage magazines. All these things have had their uses and are ready to be used again.

Instagram @fiercehamcutnpaste

>Next artist: Zach Collins