Anthony Grant
We live in an age of break-neck technological speed. The rate at which we consume media is mind-numbing. We are directed every step of the way by the beeps, buzzes, and vibrations. What to do, what to think, what to believe constantly shifting our shapes. Swimming in a never ending stream of information. Tied and bound. These works were created as a way to slow time down. This body of work is a continuation of my firm belief that we all need mental space. These are a space free from triggered inbound stimuli. The viewer is welcomed to reach into the recesses of their mind to find meaning, or not, in what they see. When we are not being told who we are or how to be we are left with our own reality. We become weightless.
Anthony Grant is a graphic designer and artist located in the Bay Area, California. He spends his days crafting brands and user interfaces and nights making collages. While his professional work strives for perfection and solutions, his personal artwork finds beauty in imperfection, texture, and introspection. His works has been shown at NIAD (Richmond CA), District (Oakland CA), Themes+Projects (San Francisco CA), Plastik Comb Magazine, and Black Collagists: The Book.
Instagram @anthony.r.grant
>Next artist: allison anne